Featured, Food Manufacturing, Packaging

Sharing an appetite for success

Motion Australia’s foundation in the food, beverage and packaging sector is solid – because it’s real people providing services.

Motion Australia’s foundation in the food, beverage and packaging sector is solid – because it’s real people providing services.

“There has never been so much to offer to our customers in the food and beverage segment than what we have right now,” says Leon Stefanec.

“To be able to provide the spread of solutions and services we have, in addition to the breadth of expertise, means we can help our customers achieve success by extending the life of their equipment, increasing their productivity and reducing their energy consumption.”

As Stefanec enters his second year as the national business development manager for Food and Beverage, he is enthusiastic about Motion’s customer value proposition.

“What has become more apparent to me is that customers in this market segment need a supplier to be extremely responsive and have an in-depth understanding of what they do,” he explains. “Suppliers then need to have solutions that tailor to those requirements, and they need to be able to supply or access these products quickly. All of which we provide. But it’s more than that, it’s about trust.”

According to Stefanec, Motion’s foundation in the food, beverage and packaging sector is solid – because it’s real people providing services.

“Reliability in this market is paramount. It’s not about processing requests from behind a desk, it’s about going out to site, understanding the needs of the business, and giving quality advice and information,” says Stefanec.

“And this new magazine is an extension of our commitment to that. We want our customers to have access to information about new technologies or innovations our supplier partners have, or that we are offering.”

Importantly, Stefanec notes that the quality of service goes hand-in-hand with the product offering. He provides an example of a large commercial bakery on the outskirts of Melbourne who trust that Motion will be available to them when they need it most.

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