
Take control of your wastewater compliance challenges

How a Global Beef Processing Plant met total phosphorus compliance standards after implementing a Real-Time Control Phosphorus system.

How a Global Beef Processing Plant met total phosphorus compliance standards without a single violation after implementing a Real-Time Control Phosphorus system.

A wastewater treatment facility for one of the world’s leading animal protein processors must maintain very strict environmental standards of < 1.6 mg/L Total Phosphorus per their discharge permit. There was concern that meeting the low limit would become a compliance challenge due to the concentrated influent from their beef processing and rendering facilities.

Industrial Wastewater treatment from the beef processing and rendering facilities are very high in solids. Production rates, animal by-product, and cleaning chemicals can create variability. Additionally, overfeed of iron and aluminum-based chemistries result in significant solids contribution and sticky sludge.

Hach’s Real-Time Control System for phosphorus (RTC-P) measures ortho-phosphate and flow rate to dose the exact amount of precipitation chemical needed to meet the Total Phosphorus (TP) set-point of < 1.6 mg/L.

Since the RTC-P system was placed in dosing control, the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) has not encountered a single non-compliance violation. They are now much more confident in maintaining their wastewater quality, providing peace-of-mind that they will be able to consistently meet compliance requirements in the future.

Additionally, the company received a major financial benefit by saving $60,000 in the first year in reduced chemical costs, along with improved sludge-handling.

By installing a Real-Time Control System for phosphorus (RTC-P) from Hach, the customer is able to treat a high volume of water from multiple plants and meet stringent compliance standards for phosphate reduction with confidence. The plant reports that the system is very easy to use and has improved their testing and dosing procedures significantly.

For more information visit au.hach.com

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