Discover how Flexco’s endless splicing system halves belt repair time and produces consistent, high-quality splices for a global confectionery company.
When faced with a belt repair, a global confectionery found itself either calling their conveyor belt provider and waiting at least three hours for them to get to their site or using conventional presses to join their own belts.
The downtime spent while waiting for the provider was detrimental to their bottom line, and the engineering group found the conventional presses to be heavy to move, with too many attachments. Every moment spent preparing the press for endless splicing and waiting through the lengthy cooking and cooling cycle was money lost.
After extensive research and on-site demonstrations, the engineering team discovered the Novitool Aero Press from Flexco, a leading manufacturer of conveyor belt maintenance solutions. The Aero Press presented a revolutionary solution, drastically reducing splice time to under 10 minutes, compared to conventional methods.
Equipped with state-of-the-art technology, the Aero Press streamlines the belt repair process with its compact, self-contained design and intuitive controls. Setting parameters for temperature, time, and pressure is quick and straightforward, enabling employees to maximise productivity without extensive preparation time.
Moreover, the Aero Press’s ability to save recipes ensures consistent, high-quality splices across maintenance crews and shifts, enhancing operational reliability. Fault codes facilitate rapid error diagnosis and troubleshooting, minimising downtime and maximising uptime for the confectionery.
Complementing the Aero Press is the Pun M Mobile Finger Punch, designed to effortlessly prepare polyurethane and PVC conveyor belts for endless splicing. Its manual operation eliminates the need for electricity or air pressure, offering versatility and convenience in belt repair processes.
Impressed by the results of the on-site demonstrations, the engineering manager promptly invested in an Aero 1500 and Pun M 900 finger punch, complete with 70×15 finger board for their operations.
The Aero Press completed the joining of the belt in approximately half the time of the conventional press. This significant time-saving allowed the engineering team to complete tasks swiftly, eliminating the need to wait for external splicing crews.
The portability and consistent performance of the Aero Press and Pun M further contributed to the confectionery’s operational efficiency and bottom line.
For food processing operations seeking to streamline belt repair processes and minimise downtime, Flexco’s endless splicing technologies offer a compelling solution. To learn more about how these innovative technologies can benefit your operation, visit