Tasmanian lamb on world stage

Aurora lamb, the new 60 day grain-fed lamb produced in Tasmania by Aurora Gourmet Produce using strict stress management techniques, is experiencing strong export growth in Asia and Russia, with growing demand to feature it on menus in leading restaurants in China and Singapore.
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Ensuring cold chain safety and efficiency

A major development in Australia’s cold chain within the last five years has been the ability to remotely monitor the temperature of storage facilities and vehicles while in motion, ensuring food items are transported and stored correctly at all times.
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Dairy authority cautions consumers

Dairy Food Safety Victoria has issued advice that dairy products labelled and sold for “cosmetic” purposes should be used for these purposes only and that the consumption of these products may be unsafe.
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Fonterra lead the pack

Fonterra Australia and New Zealand was ranked as the number one food processor by IBISWorld. Bruce Donnison of Fonterra explains what he thinks is behind Fonterra's success and revenue.
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NSW food under the world’s spotlight

Austrade, the Australian Government's export development agency, has brought over 250 buyers from around the world to Fine Food Australia in Sydney, in an effort to boost export sales for over 300 Sydney and NSW businesses participating in the event.
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Zipper sealed pouches

Zip-Pak has launched a range of innovative press-to-close zippers for commercial shred­ded cheese packs, allowing the packaging to be reused multiple times.
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